Special Needs Care in Stony Plain

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Cassidy M.
1 Verification Hired 2 times
  • From $15 /hr
  • Stony Plain
1 Verification Hired 2 times
I belive in the strength of positive, healthy relationships.
| I am an Educational Assistant with 8 years professional experience working within a multidisciplinary team (Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist) to assist early learner development and well-being. I hold a Special Needs Educational Assistant Certificate from Grant MacEwan University. I am currently working for Edmonton Public School Division. I am looking to support our young learners of today to become strong, confident individuals and grow to their fullest potential. I enjoy expanding my personal knowledge through professional development, communication, collaboration and opportunities. I am mindful of cultural diversity, traditions, holidays, and history. I have a passion for working with children’s development and individual growth. I have extensive, specialized knowledge of speech, language, and motor development strategies; use of visuals for communication, Hanen strategies (communication techniques).
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Stony Plain
I belive in the strength of positive, healthy relationships.
| I am an Educational Assistant with 8 years professional experience working within a multidisciplinary team (Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist) to assist early learner development and well-being. I hold a Special Needs Educational Assistant Certificate from Grant MacEwan University. I am currently working for Edmonton Public School Division. I am looking to support our young learners of today to become strong, confident individuals and grow to their fullest potential. I enjoy expanding my personal knowledge through professional development, communication, collaboration and opportunities. I am mindful of cultural diversity, traditions, holidays, and history. I have a passion for working with children’s development and individual growth. I have extensive, specialized knowledge of speech, language, and motor development strategies; use of visuals for communication, Hanen strategies (communication techniques).
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From $15 per hour \
Shelly D.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Stony Plain
Evening and Weekend Overnight Respite Care/Community Options Worker
| I hold a diploma as a Rehabilitation Practitioner (Disabilities Studies), a Certificate in Early Childhood Development, was a special needs foster parent for 6 years and have worked with adults and children with disabilities for 20 years. I have worked in adult day programs, group homes and schools. I have provided respite in my home and in clients homes. I have worked with people with disabilities aged 2-80. I believe in inclusion and equal opportunity for all, regardless of abilities and challenges. I thoroughly enjoy helping people achieve their goals and to live a meaningful, happy life.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Stony Plain
Evening and Weekend Overnight Respite Care/Community Options Worker
| I hold a diploma as a Rehabilitation Practitioner (Disabilities Studies), a Certificate in Early Childhood Development, was a special needs foster parent for 6 years and have worked with adults and children with disabilities for 20 years. I have worked in adult day programs, group homes and schools. I have provided respite in my home and in clients homes. I have worked with people with disabilities aged 2-80. I believe in inclusion and equal opportunity for all, regardless of abilities and challenges. I thoroughly enjoy helping people achieve their goals and to live a meaningful, happy life.
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From $20 per hour \
Tessa M.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Stony Plain
Experience with non-verbal clients, able to administer meds, friendly caregiver
| I have a few years' experience working with non-verbal clients with developmental delays. Experience in administering meds, dealing with seizures and mobility issues. Flexible, friendly young person :)
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Stony Plain
Experience with non-verbal clients, able to administer meds, friendly caregiver
| I have a few years' experience working with non-verbal clients with developmental delays. Experience in administering meds, dealing with seizures and mobility issues. Flexible, friendly young person :)
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From $20 per hour \
Tatyana M.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Stony Plain
Special needs care giver
| I am a happy person who loves helping people. I currently work with a 23 year old stroke survivor. I love working with people who need the help. I have been trained by my supervisor on speech and physical therapy and have worked with g-tubes and also have experience with patients who have seizures. I have experience with bathing, repositioning, assisting with walking and more.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Stony Plain
Special needs care giver
| I am a happy person who loves helping people. I currently work with a 23 year old stroke survivor. I love working with people who need the help. I have been trained by my supervisor on speech and physical therapy and have worked with g-tubes and also have experience with patients who have seizures. I have experience with bathing, repositioning, assisting with walking and more.
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From $12 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Stony Plain

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