Tutors in Spruce Grove

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Cecilia M.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
1 Verification
Passionate Tutor with 9+ Years Experience: Homework Help and Test Prep
| Hi there! I'm Cecilia, and I’ve been tutoring for over 9 years with a passion for making learning enjoyable and accessible. I hold a degree in Linguistics from the University of Alberta, and I've had the pleasure of working with students from all walks of life—whether it's helping second language English speakers gain confidence or supporting children with special needs in reaching their full potential. I mostly tutor English Language Arts and Social Studies, and helped students prepare for the AP exam. My goal is to work with students to understand their assignments and prepare for tests. I strive to tailor to each student’s unique needs, all while keeping things fun and relaxed. Feel free to reach out with questions, concerns, or silly jokes. I can't wait to hear from you. :)
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Spruce Grove
Passionate Tutor with 9+ Years Experience: Homework Help and Test Prep
| Hi there! I'm Cecilia, and I’ve been tutoring for over 9 years with a passion for making learning enjoyable and accessible. I hold a degree in Linguistics from the University of Alberta, and I've had the pleasure of working with students from all walks of life—whether it's helping second language English speakers gain confidence or supporting children with special needs in reaching their full potential. I mostly tutor English Language Arts and Social Studies, and helped students prepare for the AP exam. My goal is to work with students to understand their assignments and prepare for tests. I strive to tailor to each student’s unique needs, all while keeping things fun and relaxed. Feel free to reach out with questions, concerns, or silly jokes. I can't wait to hear from you. :)
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From $20 per hour \
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Tutors in Spruce Grove

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