Special Needs Care in Port Robinson

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Ashley V.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Port Robinson
1 Verification
Many years experience, challenges welcome. Provide 1-1 tailored support based on needs
| I have over 20 years experience from birth to death. I service any type of individual based on clients needs. I spent many years prior in geriatric care. I enjoy working with the new up coming generation and providing the individual with a meaningful day and working towards the necessary social skills in order to obtain their goal. From simple tasks to a big ticket event.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Port Robinson
Many years experience, challenges welcome. Provide 1-1 tailored support based on needs
| I have over 20 years experience from birth to death. I service any type of individual based on clients needs. I spent many years prior in geriatric care. I enjoy working with the new up coming generation and providing the individual with a meaningful day and working towards the necessary social skills in order to obtain their goal. From simple tasks to a big ticket event.
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Port Robinson

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