Special Needs Care in Niagara on the Lake

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Amelia B.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Niagara on the Lake
1 Verification
Experienced Care Provider
| Hello! My name is Amelia. I have worked with seniors and children that have special needs, and I currently work with adults that have acquired brain injuries in a group home. I am experienced in administering medication, physical rehabilitation, patient transfer, and am safe management trained. I am patient, kind, willing to learn, punctual, and a hard worker. Above all I want to provide the best possible care I can.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Niagara on the Lake
Experienced Care Provider
| Hello! My name is Amelia. I have worked with seniors and children that have special needs, and I currently work with adults that have acquired brain injuries in a group home. I am experienced in administering medication, physical rehabilitation, patient transfer, and am safe management trained. I am patient, kind, willing to learn, punctual, and a hard worker. Above all I want to provide the best possible care I can.
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Niagara on the Lake

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