Child Care in Port Robinson

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Kayla M.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Port Robinson
Trustworthy, reliable babysitter!
| Hey! My name is Kayla, and I want to provide you with child care that you can trust! I have two children of my own. A son named M who is five, and a daughter named S who is a year old! I previously cared for 3 children on a daily basis, for two different families! The parents were always pleased with me, and loved how I always tidied up around the house for them. The kids always asked when I was coming back! I will meet all of your child's needs, and then some! As a mother, I completely understand the feeling of worry or uncertainty when leaving the children in someone else's care. I am more than willing to provide you with references, and a criminal background check. I am located in Port Robinson. I am willing to travel to your home, or they can come mine!
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Port Robinson
Trustworthy, reliable babysitter!
| Hey! My name is Kayla, and I want to provide you with child care that you can trust! I have two children of my own. A son named M who is five, and a daughter named S who is a year old! I previously cared for 3 children on a daily basis, for two different families! The parents were always pleased with me, and loved how I always tidied up around the house for them. The kids always asked when I was coming back! I will meet all of your child's needs, and then some! As a mother, I completely understand the feeling of worry or uncertainty when leaving the children in someone else's care. I am more than willing to provide you with references, and a criminal background check. I am located in Port Robinson. I am willing to travel to your home, or they can come mine!
... more
From $15 per hour \
Sukhjinder K.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Port Robinson
Early Childhood care of children
| I have experience of children which was from a relative baby in Brampton.I am a good experience knowdege of Growth and development of child, routine care of children, how to carry a baby and daily care of child, feeding and changing clothes and safety and prevention form infection.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Port Robinson
Early Childhood care of children
| I have experience of children which was from a relative baby in Brampton.I am a good experience knowdege of Growth and development of child, routine care of children, how to carry a baby and daily care of child, feeding and changing clothes and safety and prevention form infection.
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Child Care in Port Robinson

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