Special Needs Care in Ridgeway

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Kate W.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Ridgeway
Compassionate and Experienced Special Needs Caregiver
| ### Title: Compassionate and Experienced Special Needs Caregiver #### Description: Dedicated and compassionate caregiver with extensive experience supporting individuals with special needs. With a background in health studies and hands-on experience as an Educational Assistant, I am skilled in providing personalized care for children and adults with Autism, learning disabilities, and other special needs. My approach is patient, understanding, and tailored to each individual's unique requirements. I offer assistance with daily activities, educational support, and emotional guidance, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment. Available for part-time and full-time care. Let's work together to enhance the well-being and quality of life for your loved one.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Ridgeway
Compassionate and Experienced Special Needs Caregiver
| ### Title: Compassionate and Experienced Special Needs Caregiver #### Description: Dedicated and compassionate caregiver with extensive experience supporting individuals with special needs. With a background in health studies and hands-on experience as an Educational Assistant, I am skilled in providing personalized care for children and adults with Autism, learning disabilities, and other special needs. My approach is patient, understanding, and tailored to each individual's unique requirements. I offer assistance with daily activities, educational support, and emotional guidance, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment. Available for part-time and full-time care. Let's work together to enhance the well-being and quality of life for your loved one.
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From $20 per hour \
Jami C.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Ridgeway
Educational assistant and special needs support worker.
| I have been supporting adults and children since I was in high school, so I have accumulated many years of passion and knowledge towards not only caring about anyone I have supported but also learning along the way. I have worked in a range of settings including volunteering as a bus assistant, community living, elementary schools, adult care facilities and high schools. I am currently an educational assistant at the district school board of Niagara and want to further my care outside of only the school setting. I am very passionate about my line of work as watching anyone I support grow or a simple smile on their face makes it all worth while.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Ridgeway
Educational assistant and special needs support worker.
| I have been supporting adults and children since I was in high school, so I have accumulated many years of passion and knowledge towards not only caring about anyone I have supported but also learning along the way. I have worked in a range of settings including volunteering as a bus assistant, community living, elementary schools, adult care facilities and high schools. I am currently an educational assistant at the district school board of Niagara and want to further my care outside of only the school setting. I am very passionate about my line of work as watching anyone I support grow or a simple smile on their face makes it all worth while.
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From $18 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Ridgeway

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