Special Needs Care in Loretto

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Karly L.
  • From $11 /hr
  • Loretto
During my senior high school year, I did a co-op placement in my high school special needs classroom as a sort of unofficial EA, assisting with daily activities and routines. Since then, I have had a passion for working for individuals with special needs. Since Finishing my placement, I have worked for 2 different families, one of which had a child with a dual diagnosis of autism and down's syndrome and another family with three children one of whom had down's syndrome. With both jobs, I was responsible for caring for, feeding, and taking the children out to do activities. I am currently taking a gap year before attending college in the fall for the Developmental services worker program as well as a post graduate diploma in autism and behavioural science.
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  • From $11 /hr
  • Loretto
During my senior high school year, I did a co-op placement in my high school special needs classroom as a sort of unofficial EA, assisting with daily activities and routines. Since then, I have had a passion for working for individuals with special needs. Since Finishing my placement, I have worked for 2 different families, one of which had a child with a dual diagnosis of autism and down's syndrome and another family with three children one of whom had down's syndrome. With both jobs, I was responsible for caring for, feeding, and taking the children out to do activities. I am currently taking a gap year before attending college in the fall for the Developmental services worker program as well as a post graduate diploma in autism and behavioural science.
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From $11 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Loretto

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