Child Care in Loretto

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Karly L.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Loretto
Hello! I'm Karly and I have ten years of experience with child care! I have cared from children ranging in ages from 0-16 years old, I have experience working with children with intellectual disabilities as well as physical disabilities. I am very active and enjoy activities like going to the park or for walks and am definitely not the type to plop a child in front of the TV all day! looking forward to hearing from your family! Karly.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Loretto
Hello! I'm Karly and I have ten years of experience with child care! I have cared from children ranging in ages from 0-16 years old, I have experience working with children with intellectual disabilities as well as physical disabilities. I am very active and enjoy activities like going to the park or for walks and am definitely not the type to plop a child in front of the TV all day! looking forward to hearing from your family! Karly.
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From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Loretto

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