Senior Care in Loretto

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Antoniella G.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Loretto
A caring and compassionate individual seeking companion care/elderly care.
| I am a friendly and loving person. I have firsthand experience in caregiving as I have been caring for a patient for quite some time as she is suffering from dementia. I have seen the mild to late stages of dementia, and with that, I have learned patience, open mindedness, and compassion for individuals in need of a caregiver. I have assisted with personal care, companionship, created meals and meal plans for when I am not present, assisted with light cleaning and housekeeping, and charted daily activities. Interacted with sensory activities and music therapy. I have also been keeping up to date on education surrounding Alzheimer’s, which is highly present in the elderly community. I have taken courses on Palliative care in Dementia, Care essentials, and Next steps. This has given me the tools to not only help patients, but to help the patient’s families as it has trained me to plan for the future, create a circle of support, and provide families with the resources they may need. I also have a valid CPR and First Aid Certification, Vulnerable Sector Check and General Liability Insurance.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Loretto
A caring and compassionate individual seeking companion care/elderly care.
| I am a friendly and loving person. I have firsthand experience in caregiving as I have been caring for a patient for quite some time as she is suffering from dementia. I have seen the mild to late stages of dementia, and with that, I have learned patience, open mindedness, and compassion for individuals in need of a caregiver. I have assisted with personal care, companionship, created meals and meal plans for when I am not present, assisted with light cleaning and housekeeping, and charted daily activities. Interacted with sensory activities and music therapy. I have also been keeping up to date on education surrounding Alzheimer’s, which is highly present in the elderly community. I have taken courses on Palliative care in Dementia, Care essentials, and Next steps. This has given me the tools to not only help patients, but to help the patient’s families as it has trained me to plan for the future, create a circle of support, and provide families with the resources they may need. I also have a valid CPR and First Aid Certification, Vulnerable Sector Check and General Liability Insurance.
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From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Loretto

When do you need senior care?