Special Needs Care in Caledon

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Stephanie C.
Hired 2 times
  • From $20 /hr
  • Caledon
Hired 2 times
Special Needs Care in the GTA
| Hello! My name is Stephanie, and I have a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Theatre, and I am currently residing in Caledon, ON. I have experience in babysitting as well as swim instructing, and I have taught private swimming lessons and water safety skills to special needs children of all ages. My experience ranges from non-verbal to high functioning, in addition to creating a safe and positive environment for children with mobility challenges.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Caledon
Special Needs Care in the GTA
| Hello! My name is Stephanie, and I have a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Theatre, and I am currently residing in Caledon, ON. I have experience in babysitting as well as swim instructing, and I have taught private swimming lessons and water safety skills to special needs children of all ages. My experience ranges from non-verbal to high functioning, in addition to creating a safe and positive environment for children with mobility challenges.
... more
From $20 per hour \
Amritpal K.
  • From $23 /hr
  • Caledon
My name is Amritpal, working as PSW for 8 months as disability support worker
| It has been great experience working as a PSW. Assisting residents with their daily needs and being able to help them is a great role.
... more
  • From $23 /hr
  • Caledon
My name is Amritpal, working as PSW for 8 months as disability support worker
| It has been great experience working as a PSW. Assisting residents with their daily needs and being able to help them is a great role.
... more
From $23 per hour \
Kelly B.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Toronto
1 Verification
Toronto West End Respite Provider - Previously on respite services dot com
| I am a 32 year old woman living in the Roncesvalles/Howard Park area and an aspiring social worker. I would love to meet additional families in the area and continue providing my support to those with exceptionalities. I want your loved one to feel valued, immersed in the community and productive…I want to help them reach their full potential and show the world the joy they bring! I would love to meet you and your child to see if we are the right fit for each other! I love the respite work I currently do in this area. I’m happy to learn anything I need to in order to best take care of your loved one. I am someone you’d like to consider hiring and we can set up a phone call or video chat. I look forward to becoming a member of your loved ones care team. Vulnerable sector check complete and CPR certified. Thank you
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Toronto
Toronto West End Respite Provider - Previously on respite services dot com
| I am a 32 year old woman living in the Roncesvalles/Howard Park area and an aspiring social worker. I would love to meet additional families in the area and continue providing my support to those with exceptionalities. I want your loved one to feel valued, immersed in the community and productive…I want to help them reach their full potential and show the world the joy they bring! I would love to meet you and your child to see if we are the right fit for each other! I love the respite work I currently do in this area. I’m happy to learn anything I need to in order to best take care of your loved one. I am someone you’d like to consider hiring and we can set up a phone call or video chat. I look forward to becoming a member of your loved ones care team. Vulnerable sector check complete and CPR certified. Thank you
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Caledon

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