Special Needs Care in Norval

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Sandie G.
  • From $23 /hr
  • Norval
Respite worker/instructor therapist/behaviour therapist/ speech therapy assistant student
| Young woman with lots of experience with kids, teens and youth of various ages & abilities in places such as daycare, preschool, school, therapy centres, home, community. Experience with kids and teens with autism, ADHD, anxiety, speech delays, etc. Here to help with relief. 10+ years with typical kids, 4+ with disabilities
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  • From $23 /hr
  • Norval
Respite worker/instructor therapist/behaviour therapist/ speech therapy assistant student
| Young woman with lots of experience with kids, teens and youth of various ages & abilities in places such as daycare, preschool, school, therapy centres, home, community. Experience with kids and teens with autism, ADHD, anxiety, speech delays, etc. Here to help with relief. 10+ years with typical kids, 4+ with disabilities
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From $23 per hour \
Serena G.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Norval
1 Verification
Energetic, Creative, and Responsible 25 year old with 5+ Years Experience
| Hi there! My name is Serena and I am a 25 year old graduate of the Educational Support program at Sheridan College. With my program I completed 2 years of co-op placements, working alongside special education teachers and educational assistants (EA’s, ERW’s, etc.) to support children from grades 2-8. I have 5+ years of experience supporting children with various special needs such as ASD, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, learning disabilities, and developmental delays. I have also supported children who are non-verbal and who may require the use of PECs and electronic or other assistive technology devices for communication. I am able to: - Help with homework - Provide entertaining as well as educational activities/play - Prepare meals - Follow daily routines - Assist with dressing, feeding, personal care, etc. - Teach life skills - Use/create PECS or visual cues (as they may be needed) - Support on outings - Provide supervised community inclusion - Care for family pets and perform household chores Thank you for taking the time to review my profile!
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Norval
Energetic, Creative, and Responsible 25 year old with 5+ Years Experience
| Hi there! My name is Serena and I am a 25 year old graduate of the Educational Support program at Sheridan College. With my program I completed 2 years of co-op placements, working alongside special education teachers and educational assistants (EA’s, ERW’s, etc.) to support children from grades 2-8. I have 5+ years of experience supporting children with various special needs such as ASD, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, learning disabilities, and developmental delays. I have also supported children who are non-verbal and who may require the use of PECs and electronic or other assistive technology devices for communication. I am able to: - Help with homework - Provide entertaining as well as educational activities/play - Prepare meals - Follow daily routines - Assist with dressing, feeding, personal care, etc. - Teach life skills - Use/create PECS or visual cues (as they may be needed) - Support on outings - Provide supervised community inclusion - Care for family pets and perform household chores Thank you for taking the time to review my profile!
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From $17 per hour \
Shealey H.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Norval
Experienced professional looking to support your loved one
| Graduated the Child and Youth Care program at Seneca College in 2017, currently working full-time as a Special Needs Teaching Assistant with the Peel District School Board, this is my 2nd year there. I have experience working in several group homes with varying individuals. This includes with individuals with dual-diagnosis. I have extensive experience working with non-verbal ASD, Cerebral Palsy, FASD, and other developmental delays, as well as significant mental health concerns. I have worked with people of all ages from infants to seniors. I am very confident in my practice. I have found that one of my strengths as a Child and Youth Care Practitioner is that I am very personable and in that I am able to build both meaningful relationships and rapport with youth easily.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Norval
Experienced professional looking to support your loved one
| Graduated the Child and Youth Care program at Seneca College in 2017, currently working full-time as a Special Needs Teaching Assistant with the Peel District School Board, this is my 2nd year there. I have experience working in several group homes with varying individuals. This includes with individuals with dual-diagnosis. I have extensive experience working with non-verbal ASD, Cerebral Palsy, FASD, and other developmental delays, as well as significant mental health concerns. I have worked with people of all ages from infants to seniors. I am very confident in my practice. I have found that one of my strengths as a Child and Youth Care Practitioner is that I am very personable and in that I am able to build both meaningful relationships and rapport with youth easily.
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Norval

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