Tutors in Norval

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Ava M.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Norval
Hi! I am able to offer tutoring for most subjects!
| I have only been paid for tutoring a handful of times from some friends in high school or other people I knew, and I took leadership courses in high school where I helped the teachers teach younger students. I did well in all my subjects and am now pursuing a degree in Engineering at Queens University. I am able to help any age group in basic skills to more complicated subjects like Math, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, English, and French.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Norval
Hi! I am able to offer tutoring for most subjects!
| I have only been paid for tutoring a handful of times from some friends in high school or other people I knew, and I took leadership courses in high school where I helped the teachers teach younger students. I did well in all my subjects and am now pursuing a degree in Engineering at Queens University. I am able to help any age group in basic skills to more complicated subjects like Math, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, English, and French.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Tutors in Norval

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