Tutors in Inglewood

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Jenny K.
  • From $40 /hr
  • Inglewood
Effective, Experienced, Encouraging Tutor
| Hi families! I am an Ontario Certified Teacher with eight years of classroom teaching experience with an additional two years of tutoring experience. Parents of students have described me as gentle, encouraging, and professional. They report that their children look forward to our lessons because I take the time to establish a relationship with them and always come prepared with engaging lessons. I am also experienced with teaching young children how to read. I can teach foundational reading skills to children as young as four and have them reading simple books within a few months. Finally, I am a good fit for struggling readers of any age. I have taught dozens of reluctant readers, and all of them have gained confidence by experiencing rapid gains in their reading skills. Teaching/Tutoring children is my passion and gift, and I would be honored to share it with your family.
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  • From $40 /hr
  • Inglewood
Effective, Experienced, Encouraging Tutor
| Hi families! I am an Ontario Certified Teacher with eight years of classroom teaching experience with an additional two years of tutoring experience. Parents of students have described me as gentle, encouraging, and professional. They report that their children look forward to our lessons because I take the time to establish a relationship with them and always come prepared with engaging lessons. I am also experienced with teaching young children how to read. I can teach foundational reading skills to children as young as four and have them reading simple books within a few months. Finally, I am a good fit for struggling readers of any age. I have taught dozens of reluctant readers, and all of them have gained confidence by experiencing rapid gains in their reading skills. Teaching/Tutoring children is my passion and gift, and I would be honored to share it with your family.
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From $40 per hour \
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Tutors in Inglewood

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