Senior Care in Campbellville

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Alanah P.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Campbellville
Hi, my name is Alanah, and I am a mature, experienced, responsible, respectful and FUN caregiver.
| Hi, my name is Alanah, and I have experience in child care, care for the elderly and those with special needs, and I am a pet owner - so I do that that too! I am mature, responsible, and compassionate. I am a great cook, don't mind cleaning, and have looked after children of all ages. I have a degree in biology, and work as a Pharmacy Assistant. I am looking for a few extra hours here and there, as I am recently married, working on putting together a home, and hoping to expand our family one day. I am a lot of fun; I can be shy and reserved at first, but I have run kids camps, horseback riding lessons, and sunday school, so I am no stranger to a good time. My husband plays soccer, so I am now an avid fan, and my sport of choice is horseback riding - so you can tell I'm tough, a hard worker, and I love the outdoors. Please feel free to ask me absolutely any questions you have. As far as elderly care, I have worked in a Long Term Care Home, Retirement home, and as a live in companion/driver. As far as the "boring" (but important) details; I have a full license and my own car. I can supply you with a resume and references. I look forward to meeting you!
... more
  • From $12 /hr
  • Campbellville
Hi, my name is Alanah, and I am a mature, experienced, responsible, respectful and FUN caregiver.
| Hi, my name is Alanah, and I have experience in child care, care for the elderly and those with special needs, and I am a pet owner - so I do that that too! I am mature, responsible, and compassionate. I am a great cook, don't mind cleaning, and have looked after children of all ages. I have a degree in biology, and work as a Pharmacy Assistant. I am looking for a few extra hours here and there, as I am recently married, working on putting together a home, and hoping to expand our family one day. I am a lot of fun; I can be shy and reserved at first, but I have run kids camps, horseback riding lessons, and sunday school, so I am no stranger to a good time. My husband plays soccer, so I am now an avid fan, and my sport of choice is horseback riding - so you can tell I'm tough, a hard worker, and I love the outdoors. Please feel free to ask me absolutely any questions you have. As far as elderly care, I have worked in a Long Term Care Home, Retirement home, and as a live in companion/driver. As far as the "boring" (but important) details; I have a full license and my own car. I can supply you with a resume and references. I look forward to meeting you!
... more
From $12 per hour \
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Senior Care in Campbellville

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