Senior Care in Glen Williams

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Jessica H.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Glen Williams
Experienced PSW offering quality care.
| Hello families My name is Jessica and I have been working as a personal support worker since 2015. I love what I do and take pride in being able to provide quality and compassionate care to our aging population. My heart is in this, and I feel strongly about being able to help your loved one stay safe and comfortable in their own home for as long as it’s possible. I can assist your loved one with everything from personal care to household duties or to just making sure they are safe and content. I feel that my lightheartedness and friendly approach puts even the most skeptical at ease, allowing me to help them have a fulfilling day.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Glen Williams
Experienced PSW offering quality care.
| Hello families My name is Jessica and I have been working as a personal support worker since 2015. I love what I do and take pride in being able to provide quality and compassionate care to our aging population. My heart is in this, and I feel strongly about being able to help your loved one stay safe and comfortable in their own home for as long as it’s possible. I can assist your loved one with everything from personal care to household duties or to just making sure they are safe and content. I feel that my lightheartedness and friendly approach puts even the most skeptical at ease, allowing me to help them have a fulfilling day.
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From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Glen Williams

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