Senior Care in Puslinch

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Katherine G.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Puslinch
1 Verification
Caring and Respectful Support
| I have worked in the special needs community for over 10 years and have had specific training in nursing homes and senior care. I value my time spent with people more experienced in life than myself. I recognize that coming into your home is a privilege and supporting you or your family member can be a delicate subject. I can conduct myself with the utmost respect and care.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Puslinch
Caring and Respectful Support
| I have worked in the special needs community for over 10 years and have had specific training in nursing homes and senior care. I value my time spent with people more experienced in life than myself. I recognize that coming into your home is a privilege and supporting you or your family member can be a delicate subject. I can conduct myself with the utmost respect and care.
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From $16 per hour \
Lee-Ann G.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Puslinch
Senior caregiver and cleaner.
| I take care of a 82 year old amputee man, by doing his laundry, running errands, cooking meals, and companionship. I also take care of all of his Government forms and Income Tax. I also take him to his Doctor and Hospital appointments. I also worked at a Convent with retired Nuns cleaning their rooms and common areas.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Puslinch
Senior caregiver and cleaner.
| I take care of a 82 year old amputee man, by doing his laundry, running errands, cooking meals, and companionship. I also take care of all of his Government forms and Income Tax. I also take him to his Doctor and Hospital appointments. I also worked at a Convent with retired Nuns cleaning their rooms and common areas.
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Senior Care in Puslinch

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