Pet Care in Navan

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Olivia B.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Navan
1 Verification
Friendly and trustworthy pet sitter!
| I have always had pets growing up as a child and my love for them has grown into my adulthood even more. I have a passion for learning and understanding all different types of animals. My experience in Pet Care is from having my own pets and caring for family, friends and volunteering over the years.
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  • From $15
  • Navan
Friendly and trustworthy pet sitter!
| I have always had pets growing up as a child and my love for them has grown into my adulthood even more. I have a passion for learning and understanding all different types of animals. My experience in Pet Care is from having my own pets and caring for family, friends and volunteering over the years.
... more
From $15 \
Yasmine B.
  • From $10
  • Navan
I am a very patient person who live being around pets and particularly dogs and cats !
| I had a energetic cat for 5 years now and I was used to take care of my friend's dog too ! People who are so passionate about pets can take a very good care of them like his own children !!
... more
  • From $10
  • Navan
I am a very patient person who live being around pets and particularly dogs and cats !
| I had a energetic cat for 5 years now and I was used to take care of my friend's dog too ! People who are so passionate about pets can take a very good care of them like his own children !!
... more
From $10 \
Liette C.
1 Verification
  • From $25
  • Navan
1 Verification
Looking forward to spend time with your pets.
| Hello, I enjoy the company of animals and would love to provide care to your cherished pet. I work from home and am available to provide care for your pets either on a daily basis or overnight. I would love to take dogs for walks and cuddle with them at night. They would be fed and groomed and played with.
... more
  • From $25
  • Navan
Looking forward to spend time with your pets.
| Hello, I enjoy the company of animals and would love to provide care to your cherished pet. I work from home and am available to provide care for your pets either on a daily basis or overnight. I would love to take dogs for walks and cuddle with them at night. They would be fed and groomed and played with.
... more
From $25 \
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Pet Care in Navan

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