Pet Care in Casselman

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Amelia W.
  • From $10
  • Casselman
Enthusiastic, hard working detail-oriented pet lover passionate about providing quality care
| Passionate animal lover of all shapes and sizes! I have over 20 years combined experience in pet ownership and professional care; cats, dogs, pocket pets, horses, cows and chickens! I offer in home, on-site and overnight care for both residential and farm pet owners in the Ottawa area(s); from daily care routines (feeding/grooming/exercise/cleanup) and specialized regimens (medication administration/wound care/modified exercise and enrichment) to stable management (mucking, turn in/turn out, blanketing, booting, fencing/handyman repairs, etc).
... more
  • From $10
  • Casselman
Enthusiastic, hard working detail-oriented pet lover passionate about providing quality care
| Passionate animal lover of all shapes and sizes! I have over 20 years combined experience in pet ownership and professional care; cats, dogs, pocket pets, horses, cows and chickens! I offer in home, on-site and overnight care for both residential and farm pet owners in the Ottawa area(s); from daily care routines (feeding/grooming/exercise/cleanup) and specialized regimens (medication administration/wound care/modified exercise and enrichment) to stable management (mucking, turn in/turn out, blanketing, booting, fencing/handyman repairs, etc).
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Casselman

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