Housekeepers in Casselman

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Stephenie L.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • Casselman
1 Verification
Jack of all trades
| My jobs in my teens, during university, and second jobs through the rest of my adult life varied from waitress, cook, child care, cleaning service, clerical, and fishing boat mate. I after university and before motherhood, I worked as an engineering draftsman while working part time at the above jobs. I raised 3 children as a stay-at-home mom while working side jobs and even had my own martial arts school and taught private self-defense classes. As my children started leaving the nest, I divorced. So I went back to school and got my welding certification. In August 2016, I married a Canadian and started the long process of immigrating. Since I couldn’t work while waiting for my immigration to process, and not one to stay idle, I trained as a glassblower. I became a Permanent Resident in March 2018.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Casselman
Jack of all trades
| My jobs in my teens, during university, and second jobs through the rest of my adult life varied from waitress, cook, child care, cleaning service, clerical, and fishing boat mate. I after university and before motherhood, I worked as an engineering draftsman while working part time at the above jobs. I raised 3 children as a stay-at-home mom while working side jobs and even had my own martial arts school and taught private self-defense classes. As my children started leaving the nest, I divorced. So I went back to school and got my welding certification. In August 2016, I married a Canadian and started the long process of immigrating. Since I couldn’t work while waiting for my immigration to process, and not one to stay idle, I trained as a glassblower. I became a Permanent Resident in March 2018.
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From $30 per hour \
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Housekeepers in Casselman

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