Pet Care in Limoges

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Vanessa T.
  • From $10
  • Limoges
Hi my name is Vanessa, I have always loved animals and always had them around.
| I currently have a dog that lives with me, her name is Dina and she is just a puppy. Since the age of 5 years old I have been surrounded by pets. Fish, cats, dogs, horses, llama’s. You name it and I have most likely been around them. I used to work on a farm.
... more
  • From $10
  • Limoges
Hi my name is Vanessa, I have always loved animals and always had them around.
| I currently have a dog that lives with me, her name is Dina and she is just a puppy. Since the age of 5 years old I have been surrounded by pets. Fish, cats, dogs, horses, llama’s. You name it and I have most likely been around them. I used to work on a farm.
... more
From $10 \
Alycia M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Limoges
1 Verification
Will enjoy and love your animals as much as I love my own.
| I am an 19 year old college student looking to make some extra hours in some of the things i love the most in life. I am a dog mom of 4. I enjoy spending time cuddling, feeding, treating, walking, cleaning my animals and I would love to be able to do the same for you!
... more
  • From $10
  • Limoges
Will enjoy and love your animals as much as I love my own.
| I am an 19 year old college student looking to make some extra hours in some of the things i love the most in life. I am a dog mom of 4. I enjoy spending time cuddling, feeding, treating, walking, cleaning my animals and I would love to be able to do the same for you!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Limoges

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