Pet Care in Osgoode

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Megan S.
  • From $10
  • Osgoode
Caring Animal Lover with Experience
| Hi Im Megan, My parents breed English mastiffs and I have been around them my whole life. I train dogs, for obedience and for shows. I have 3 indoor cats, and have many other pets over the years including rabbits, and guinea pigs. I have lots of experience taking care of dogs from birth to their elderly years. I am very energetic and professional.
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  • From $10
  • Osgoode
Caring Animal Lover with Experience
| Hi Im Megan, My parents breed English mastiffs and I have been around them my whole life. I train dogs, for obedience and for shows. I have 3 indoor cats, and have many other pets over the years including rabbits, and guinea pigs. I have lots of experience taking care of dogs from birth to their elderly years. I am very energetic and professional.
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From $10 \
Cole H.
  • From $10
  • Osgoode
| I’ve had many pets throughout my life, three dogs (two currently), two cats, a rabbit, a lizard and I have experience with horses. I love all animals, they bring me a lot of joy and my favourite thing is hanging around and being with them.
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  • From $10
  • Osgoode
| I’ve had many pets throughout my life, three dogs (two currently), two cats, a rabbit, a lizard and I have experience with horses. I love all animals, they bring me a lot of joy and my favourite thing is hanging around and being with them.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Osgoode

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