Child Care in Navan

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Olivia B.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Navan
1 Verification
Proof that Marry Poppins ain’t got nothing on me!
| My name is Olivia and I am a Certified Childcare Professional with over 5 years of experience working with infants, toddlers and young children. I strive to create an atmosphere at home where your child is safe, happy and engaged in meaningful activities. I’m passionate about developing strong relationships with both parents and children. I’m kind, patient and nurturing, and I’m excited about the opportunity to work with your family!
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Navan
Proof that Marry Poppins ain’t got nothing on me!
| My name is Olivia and I am a Certified Childcare Professional with over 5 years of experience working with infants, toddlers and young children. I strive to create an atmosphere at home where your child is safe, happy and engaged in meaningful activities. I’m passionate about developing strong relationships with both parents and children. I’m kind, patient and nurturing, and I’m excited about the opportunity to work with your family!
... more
From $18 per hour \
Yasmine B.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Navan
A passionate and lovely nanny is all for you!
| I am a sociable, responsible patient, hard-working person. I love being around children and I was always taking care of children since my childhood with my cousins, my nephews, and as a nanny of different children in their home. Children are very innocent people who are happy just with small things and I am really happy to be just around them. Plus iI have four languages so I can speak with them English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Navan
A passionate and lovely nanny is all for you!
| I am a sociable, responsible patient, hard-working person. I love being around children and I was always taking care of children since my childhood with my cousins, my nephews, and as a nanny of different children in their home. Children are very innocent people who are happy just with small things and I am really happy to be just around them. Plus iI have four languages so I can speak with them English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
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From $18 per hour \
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Child Care in Navan

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