Child Care in Clarence Creek

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Amanda D.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Clarence Creek
Loving and Nurturing Nanny Available.
| Hi my name is Amanda I am looking for a loving family to be apart of. I have over 10 years experience as a nanny and lifelong experience with children. Through my years I have learnt that patience and understanding is the backbone of being a nanny. I love children of all ages and enjoy the process of them learning and developing. I am ideally looking for a family that needs help with childcare and possibly light cleaning, meal prep, errands, taking children to various activities etc. But please understand that the health and well being of the children always comes first. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Clarence Creek
Loving and Nurturing Nanny Available.
| Hi my name is Amanda I am looking for a loving family to be apart of. I have over 10 years experience as a nanny and lifelong experience with children. Through my years I have learnt that patience and understanding is the backbone of being a nanny. I love children of all ages and enjoy the process of them learning and developing. I am ideally looking for a family that needs help with childcare and possibly light cleaning, meal prep, errands, taking children to various activities etc. But please understand that the health and well being of the children always comes first. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.
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From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Clarence Creek

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