Pet Care in Elora

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Abigail L.
  • From $15
  • Elora
I'm Abby and I'm looking for a pet-sitting job in Elora, Ontario!
| I have grown up with many pets and have a love of animals, interested enough that I minored in zoology. I have experience with dogs of all sizes, cats, rodents, and rabbits. I would be happy to help you look after your pet and ensure it gets the care it needs.
... more
  • From $15
  • Elora
I'm Abby and I'm looking for a pet-sitting job in Elora, Ontario!
| I have grown up with many pets and have a love of animals, interested enough that I minored in zoology. I have experience with dogs of all sizes, cats, rodents, and rabbits. I would be happy to help you look after your pet and ensure it gets the care it needs.
... more
From $15 \
Hannah B.
  • From $10
  • Elora
Friendly and Social Young Mom.
| I'm a late 20s young mom who was raised with animals and continues to love them! My parents raised and bred Golden Retrievers on the East Coast and I dream of owning my own one day. I am a huge dog person and a good cat can turn my eye too. I love them as if they're my own with lots of snuggles, chats, love, and attention. Let me help you out today!
... more
  • From $10
  • Elora
Friendly and Social Young Mom.
| I'm a late 20s young mom who was raised with animals and continues to love them! My parents raised and bred Golden Retrievers on the East Coast and I dream of owning my own one day. I am a huge dog person and a good cat can turn my eye too. I love them as if they're my own with lots of snuggles, chats, love, and attention. Let me help you out today!
... more
From $10 \
Kim M.
1 Verification
  • From $12
  • Elora
1 Verification
Animal lover by heart
| I am a stay-at -home mom of two boys. They are currently in school which leaves me free during the day to help out with your pet. I can walk, feed or visit your pet. I have previous experience looking after dogs and cats. I am a pet lover at heart and know how important it is to find someone you trust to give your pet the attention and love they deserves.
... more
  • From $12
  • Elora
Animal lover by heart
| I am a stay-at -home mom of two boys. They are currently in school which leaves me free during the day to help out with your pet. I can walk, feed or visit your pet. I have previous experience looking after dogs and cats. I am a pet lover at heart and know how important it is to find someone you trust to give your pet the attention and love they deserves.
... more
From $12 \
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Pet Care in Elora

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