Senior Care in Elora

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Danielle H.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Elora
Dedicated Personal Support Worker
| As a caregiver, I am truly compassionate and treat people as though they are a family member. Through my years of experience I have developed a diverse set of hard and soft skills and aim to achieve the best care tailored to individuals. Over the years I have worked in my community which has been rewarding. I relish in the fact that I have been able to develop a care giving role to individuals while communicating with their loved ones.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Elora
Dedicated Personal Support Worker
| As a caregiver, I am truly compassionate and treat people as though they are a family member. Through my years of experience I have developed a diverse set of hard and soft skills and aim to achieve the best care tailored to individuals. Over the years I have worked in my community which has been rewarding. I relish in the fact that I have been able to develop a care giving role to individuals while communicating with their loved ones.
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From $30 per hour \
Shelley S.
1 Verification
  • From $40 /hr
  • Elora
1 Verification
Providing care for those who once cared for others is one of life’s greatest honours.
| Elora and Area Help at Home- Home Management (meal prep, groceries, errands, light housekeeping, downsizing prep, organizing, odd jobs, laundry etc) and Companion Care (caregiver/family relief, companionship, shared meals, accompanying to appointments etc). No Personal care duties such as bathing, toileting, wound care etc. As a retired 30 year Financial Services provider, listening to the stories of my senior clients brought me much joy and insight over the years. Volunteering at our local food bank and lending my help to our senior neighbours, I see the need for more help in the homes of our seniors. As I understand the importance of hiring a trusted individual, I provide a current police check to every new client to provide some peace of mind for trustworthiness that is paired with care and compassion.
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  • From $40 /hr
  • Elora
Providing care for those who once cared for others is one of life’s greatest honours.
| Elora and Area Help at Home- Home Management (meal prep, groceries, errands, light housekeeping, downsizing prep, organizing, odd jobs, laundry etc) and Companion Care (caregiver/family relief, companionship, shared meals, accompanying to appointments etc). No Personal care duties such as bathing, toileting, wound care etc. As a retired 30 year Financial Services provider, listening to the stories of my senior clients brought me much joy and insight over the years. Volunteering at our local food bank and lending my help to our senior neighbours, I see the need for more help in the homes of our seniors. As I understand the importance of hiring a trusted individual, I provide a current police check to every new client to provide some peace of mind for trustworthiness that is paired with care and compassion.
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From $40 per hour \
Alicia A.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Elora
Helpful, kind, positive!!
| I have lots of experience caring for children with providing childcare and having my own two kids. I have college diploma in the medical field for Laboratory but after 10yrs I have left that and I am focusing on childcare, housekeeping at a B&B and hopefully senior home care will be added to my work. I have always been drawn to seniors and have connected well with them. I am a very helpful, willing, patient and positive person to help lift up the spirits of seniors!
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • Elora
Helpful, kind, positive!!
| I have lots of experience caring for children with providing childcare and having my own two kids. I have college diploma in the medical field for Laboratory but after 10yrs I have left that and I am focusing on childcare, housekeeping at a B&B and hopefully senior home care will be added to my work. I have always been drawn to seniors and have connected well with them. I am a very helpful, willing, patient and positive person to help lift up the spirits of seniors!
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From $17 per hour \
Lori O.
1 Verification
  • From $23 /hr
  • Elora
1 Verification
Respite worker,home support available in Elora and Fergus Seeking casual or part time hours.
| I previously worked in Long Term Care at a Guelph facility for 17 yrs where the majority of my years were as a Healthcare Aide providing care to patients. My current job for the past 15 years has been a Personal Support Worker in a hospital mainly taking care of older adults age 50 plus with Dementia, addictions and other mental health illnesses. I do still work fulltime but it is a 12hr schedule which gives me a lot of days off. My interests are nature walks, board games, reading and a variety of music ,live local theatre etc. If you are seeking assistance, companionship from a compassionate, reliable and dedicated caregiver. I'm happy to meet and see if we are the right fit . Best regards, Lori
... more
  • From $23 /hr
  • Elora
Respite worker,home support available in Elora and Fergus Seeking casual or part time hours.
| I previously worked in Long Term Care at a Guelph facility for 17 yrs where the majority of my years were as a Healthcare Aide providing care to patients. My current job for the past 15 years has been a Personal Support Worker in a hospital mainly taking care of older adults age 50 plus with Dementia, addictions and other mental health illnesses. I do still work fulltime but it is a 12hr schedule which gives me a lot of days off. My interests are nature walks, board games, reading and a variety of music ,live local theatre etc. If you are seeking assistance, companionship from a compassionate, reliable and dedicated caregiver. I'm happy to meet and see if we are the right fit . Best regards, Lori
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From $23 per hour \
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Senior Care in Elora

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