Pet Care in St Jacobs

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Miranda E.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • St Jacobs
1 Verification
I have lots of experience fostering dogs and caring for my own animals
| My family has 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a bunny. I also house/pet-sit for my neighbours! I would be happy to detail my experience with fostering further, if needed.
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  • From $10
  • St Jacobs
I have lots of experience fostering dogs and caring for my own animals
| My family has 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a bunny. I also house/pet-sit for my neighbours! I would be happy to detail my experience with fostering further, if needed.
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From $10 \
Wiggles and Whiskers Pet Services
  • From $10
  • St Jacobs
Fully insured, professional dog walker and pet sitter serving Waterloo and Woolwich Township
| I share the same value as you, that your pet is more than 'just a pet' they are a member of the family. I offer a variety of professional (member of Pet Sitters International), fully insured services to care for your pet while you are away. I am fully certified in pet first aid (May 2022) and I practice a 'Force Free' leadership style with dogs, along with plenty of positive reinforcement to encourage wanted behaviours. My goal is to maintain the helpful routines that you have established and provide them with a fun and enriching exercise experience. As a cat mom myself, I know how difficult it can be to leave your cat alone. Your cat's behaviour can change when you are away, so it is important to have someone who is knowledgeable check in on them regularly, play and socialize with them and maintain the feeding routines that they are used to. Hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, ferrets, birds, mice, rabbits and rats are important family pets too. These smaller caged animals are often extra special to the younger members of the family and require specific care as well. I am able to come to your home to take care of them or in some cases I am able to accommodate small caged animals in my home.
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  • From $10
  • St Jacobs
Fully insured, professional dog walker and pet sitter serving Waterloo and Woolwich Township
| I share the same value as you, that your pet is more than 'just a pet' they are a member of the family. I offer a variety of professional (member of Pet Sitters International), fully insured services to care for your pet while you are away. I am fully certified in pet first aid (May 2022) and I practice a 'Force Free' leadership style with dogs, along with plenty of positive reinforcement to encourage wanted behaviours. My goal is to maintain the helpful routines that you have established and provide them with a fun and enriching exercise experience. As a cat mom myself, I know how difficult it can be to leave your cat alone. Your cat's behaviour can change when you are away, so it is important to have someone who is knowledgeable check in on them regularly, play and socialize with them and maintain the feeding routines that they are used to. Hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, ferrets, birds, mice, rabbits and rats are important family pets too. These smaller caged animals are often extra special to the younger members of the family and require specific care as well. I am able to come to your home to take care of them or in some cases I am able to accommodate small caged animals in my home.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in St Jacobs

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