Pet Care in Erin

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Marianne B.
  • From $9
  • Erin
I have had dogs and cats my entire life. I am a retired police officer. I am a young 54 yr old that lives in Erin. My dogs have been large in my adult life. Misty was my Malamute and Shadow was my shepherd Malamute mix. They both lived long lives. I have 6 cats presently and miss my dogs a lot. I am the best dog or cat person that you could hire. I am reliable , loving and trustworthy. My prices were at the low end if you live in or close to Erin. Every possible job is different and I will tailor it to what you need. I am worth your peace of mind when you are away. Thanks, Marianne.
... more
  • From $9
  • Erin
I have had dogs and cats my entire life. I am a retired police officer. I am a young 54 yr old that lives in Erin. My dogs have been large in my adult life. Misty was my Malamute and Shadow was my shepherd Malamute mix. They both lived long lives. I have 6 cats presently and miss my dogs a lot. I am the best dog or cat person that you could hire. I am reliable , loving and trustworthy. My prices were at the low end if you live in or close to Erin. Every possible job is different and I will tailor it to what you need. I am worth your peace of mind when you are away. Thanks, Marianne.
... more
Marianne B is a gem! She is highly experienced, very caring and very dedicated to the dogs in her care. Marianne is reliable and honest and my dogs truly enjoy her presence. She is a remarkable woman with an impressive background. From Debra, a grateful employer and friend."
... "more
Reviewed by Debra F.
From $9 \
Tamara L.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Erin
1 Verification
Animal lover looking to care for your array of pets!
| I have over 10 years of experience of taking care of other people’s pets. I’ve taken care of big and small dogs, cats, parrots, turtles and fish. My Job tasks included feeding them, walking the dogs, staying overnight, cleaning up after them, grooming and of course giving them lots of love and attention. I really love all types of animals and will Make sure that they are cared for and happy!
... more
  • From $10
  • Erin
Animal lover looking to care for your array of pets!
| I have over 10 years of experience of taking care of other people’s pets. I’ve taken care of big and small dogs, cats, parrots, turtles and fish. My Job tasks included feeding them, walking the dogs, staying overnight, cleaning up after them, grooming and of course giving them lots of love and attention. I really love all types of animals and will Make sure that they are cared for and happy!
... more
From $10 \
Ripanjot singh G.
  • From $15
  • Erin
Experienced,compassionate and dedicated pet sitter with a strong background in pet care
| My experience in pet care includes several years of caring for my own pets, as well as providing care for family, friends, and volunteering. I have a passion for animals and have experience with a variety of pets, including dogs, cats, turtles, fish, and even exotic animals such as snakes, birds, and frogs. I have also received training in animal handling and behavior. I am dedicated to ensuring the well-being and happiness of all the pets under my care, and I look forward to the opportunity to meet and care for new furry friends.
... more
  • From $15
  • Erin
Experienced,compassionate and dedicated pet sitter with a strong background in pet care
| My experience in pet care includes several years of caring for my own pets, as well as providing care for family, friends, and volunteering. I have a passion for animals and have experience with a variety of pets, including dogs, cats, turtles, fish, and even exotic animals such as snakes, birds, and frogs. I have also received training in animal handling and behavior. I am dedicated to ensuring the well-being and happiness of all the pets under my care, and I look forward to the opportunity to meet and care for new furry friends.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Erin

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