Child Care in South Woodslee

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Jane L.
  • From $20 /hr
  • South Woodslee
I give your children a caring, loving and happy environment to learn and grow in.
| I'm an retired accountant, I have 5 children, all grown ups now. No grandkids yet, but hopeful. I love taking care of kids and I have been watching kids for the last 4 years. We do activities together and read and play with them. We do crafts , paint, colour, and anything else they want. I have stayed over on weekends, overnight etc.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • South Woodslee
I give your children a caring, loving and happy environment to learn and grow in.
| I'm an retired accountant, I have 5 children, all grown ups now. No grandkids yet, but hopeful. I love taking care of kids and I have been watching kids for the last 4 years. We do activities together and read and play with them. We do crafts , paint, colour, and anything else they want. I have stayed over on weekends, overnight etc.
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From $20 per hour \
Jessica Y.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • South Woodslee
1 Verification
Young Energetic Caregiver with a loving heart. Fully Vaccinated.
| I am an energetic caregiver that has a lot of experience mostly watching younger children for family and family friends. I am looking to expand my business to help families in the local area. I can transport myself to and from the household, my car is a two door so it is not meant for smaller children that require car seats. However I am looking to obtain a four door vehicle in the foreseeable future. I love making home cooked meals from cookbooks of all genres from keto to homestead meals. Any rules that are laid out by the guardians will be followed. I have military experience and let me know if you would like a copy of my resume and/or references. I also love to sing and make crafts with the kids. I hope you enjoyed my small introduction about myself and I wish you and your family a safe year.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • South Woodslee
Young Energetic Caregiver with a loving heart. Fully Vaccinated.
| I am an energetic caregiver that has a lot of experience mostly watching younger children for family and family friends. I am looking to expand my business to help families in the local area. I can transport myself to and from the household, my car is a two door so it is not meant for smaller children that require car seats. However I am looking to obtain a four door vehicle in the foreseeable future. I love making home cooked meals from cookbooks of all genres from keto to homestead meals. Any rules that are laid out by the guardians will be followed. I have military experience and let me know if you would like a copy of my resume and/or references. I also love to sing and make crafts with the kids. I hope you enjoyed my small introduction about myself and I wish you and your family a safe year.
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in South Woodslee

When do you need child care?