Child Care in Oldcastle

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Monica T.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Oldcastle
Children Caregiver
| Assist in the activity programs with children; Identify people’s needs and meet or exceed, expectations in a timely manner; Assist children with daily activities and daily living by: playing, singing, crafting, painting, movie watching; Transport children to dining hall or to the playground as necessary; Ability to work in partnerships with families; Flexible and reliable, willing to be trained in new skills and accept added responsibilities; Compassionate, patient and supportive hard worker who works well alone or as part of a team; Open to new ideas and respond favorably to suggested actions for improvement; Knowledge of Health and Safety legislation and its implications for the care and protection community.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Oldcastle
Children Caregiver
| Assist in the activity programs with children; Identify people’s needs and meet or exceed, expectations in a timely manner; Assist children with daily activities and daily living by: playing, singing, crafting, painting, movie watching; Transport children to dining hall or to the playground as necessary; Ability to work in partnerships with families; Flexible and reliable, willing to be trained in new skills and accept added responsibilities; Compassionate, patient and supportive hard worker who works well alone or as part of a team; Open to new ideas and respond favorably to suggested actions for improvement; Knowledge of Health and Safety legislation and its implications for the care and protection community.
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From $18 per hour \
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Child Care in Oldcastle

When do you need child care?