Child Care in Tecumseh

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Emily B.
Hired 2 times
  • From $19 /hr
  • Tecumseh
Hired 2 times
Experienced babysitter
| Hi my name’s Emily and I love working around kids. I’ve been babysitting kids since I was 12 and Ive worked as a camp counsellor for lakeshore municipality. Im in my 2nd year of the ECE program at Saint Clair college and plan on working around children for the rest of my career. Ive also worked as an assistant ECE at Lakeshore Discovery childcare and have the same position now at AV Graham. I feel that I can make a great fit for any family in need of some extra help.
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  • From $19 /hr
  • Tecumseh
Experienced babysitter
| Hi my name’s Emily and I love working around kids. I’ve been babysitting kids since I was 12 and Ive worked as a camp counsellor for lakeshore municipality. Im in my 2nd year of the ECE program at Saint Clair college and plan on working around children for the rest of my career. Ive also worked as an assistant ECE at Lakeshore Discovery childcare and have the same position now at AV Graham. I feel that I can make a great fit for any family in need of some extra help.
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From $19 per hour \
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Child Care in Tecumseh

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