Special Needs Care in South Woodslee

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Laura S.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • South Woodslee
1 Verification
Compassionate caregiver
| With over a decade of experience as a medical social worker in hospital settings, I bring compassion, patience, and expertise to providing care for individuals with special needs. I specialize in tailoring support to each person’s unique requirements, including creating structured routines, managing complex needs, and fostering a safe, nurturing environment. My background has given me a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals and their families, and I am skilled at offering compassionate care, advocating for needs, and ensuring access to appropriate resources. I am dedicated to providing reliable and empathetic support that enhances quality of life.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • South Woodslee
Compassionate caregiver
| With over a decade of experience as a medical social worker in hospital settings, I bring compassion, patience, and expertise to providing care for individuals with special needs. I specialize in tailoring support to each person’s unique requirements, including creating structured routines, managing complex needs, and fostering a safe, nurturing environment. My background has given me a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals and their families, and I am skilled at offering compassionate care, advocating for needs, and ensuring access to appropriate resources. I am dedicated to providing reliable and empathetic support that enhances quality of life.
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From $25 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in South Woodslee

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