Child Care in Nobleton

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Natasha G.
Hired 2 times
  • From $11 /hr
  • Nobleton
Hired 2 times
Experienced child care provider, fun and energetic
| I have worked with children most of my life I did early childhood education I worked at day cares for all different age groups also ran after school programs, also did nursing and worked at sick kids. For the past 5 years I have been over seas teaching English as a second language to school age children. I Am the oldest in my family so have been watching over my younger sibling and cousins also did babysitting for different children from infants, toddlers and grade schoolers. I love working with kids, love watching them and being able to teach them new things and also do fun things with them!
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  • From $11 /hr
  • Nobleton
Experienced child care provider, fun and energetic
| I have worked with children most of my life I did early childhood education I worked at day cares for all different age groups also ran after school programs, also did nursing and worked at sick kids. For the past 5 years I have been over seas teaching English as a second language to school age children. I Am the oldest in my family so have been watching over my younger sibling and cousins also did babysitting for different children from infants, toddlers and grade schoolers. I love working with kids, love watching them and being able to teach them new things and also do fun things with them!
... more
From $11 per hour \
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Child Care in Nobleton

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