Child Care in Kleinburg

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Rachel W.
1 Verification
  • From $13 /hr
  • Kleinburg
1 Verification
Your very own Mary Poppins! Babysitter/Nanny
| Hi There! My name is Rachel and I recently moved to Canada from England. I am offering my skills as a child care giver to a loving home in the Kleinburg area. I have over a year of combined experience from Camp counselling for two summers and casual babysitting for a family with two wonderful children under the age of 10. I am also a fully qualified lifeguard and emergency first aid trained. I am bubbly, warm, caring and will always put the needs of your child first. I am more than happy to provide other household duties such as cooking, cleaning and pet care.
... more
  • From $13 /hr
  • Kleinburg
Your very own Mary Poppins! Babysitter/Nanny
| Hi There! My name is Rachel and I recently moved to Canada from England. I am offering my skills as a child care giver to a loving home in the Kleinburg area. I have over a year of combined experience from Camp counselling for two summers and casual babysitting for a family with two wonderful children under the age of 10. I am also a fully qualified lifeguard and emergency first aid trained. I am bubbly, warm, caring and will always put the needs of your child first. I am more than happy to provide other household duties such as cooking, cleaning and pet care.
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From $13 per hour \
Sultana R.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Kleinburg
A fun, loving, caring babysitter
| Hello there! I'm a proud mom of one delightful child and I absolutely adore spending time with kids. Warm, caring, and reliable, I'm the kind of person you can trust with your little ones. With a Bachelor's degree in Business and a full-time job with the Canadian Government, I bring a solid foundation of responsibility and professionalism. On weekends, I'm here to lend a hand with homework and even provide language lessons for your child. Looking forward to meeting you and your family!
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Kleinburg
A fun, loving, caring babysitter
| Hello there! I'm a proud mom of one delightful child and I absolutely adore spending time with kids. Warm, caring, and reliable, I'm the kind of person you can trust with your little ones. With a Bachelor's degree in Business and a full-time job with the Canadian Government, I bring a solid foundation of responsibility and professionalism. On weekends, I'm here to lend a hand with homework and even provide language lessons for your child. Looking forward to meeting you and your family!
... more
From $25 per hour \
Ngozi O.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Kleinburg
Search No More ;-)
| Love, care,kindness,compassion and most importantly attention to safety runs in my veins. I have more than 5years experience with kids being a mother myself. Their safety comes first. I pride myself in paying maximum attention to details and handling every child I care for with respect and love.I love cooking, can clean and do the laundry, can also supervise the kids anywhere. I follow instructions laid by their guardians/parents. My name is Ngozi, I like been called Ngel(Angel) it means blessings. Don’t miss this blessing in human form :-)
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • Kleinburg
Search No More ;-)
| Love, care,kindness,compassion and most importantly attention to safety runs in my veins. I have more than 5years experience with kids being a mother myself. Their safety comes first. I pride myself in paying maximum attention to details and handling every child I care for with respect and love.I love cooking, can clean and do the laundry, can also supervise the kids anywhere. I follow instructions laid by their guardians/parents. My name is Ngozi, I like been called Ngel(Angel) it means blessings. Don’t miss this blessing in human form :-)
... more
From $30 per hour \
Rahul K.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Kleinburg
I am very kind person, good in nature as well as great in work.
| We should take care of children because they need love and attention.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Kleinburg
I am very kind person, good in nature as well as great in work.
| We should take care of children because they need love and attention.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Kleinburg

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