Daycare in Langley

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Jenny H.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $11 /hr
  • Langley
1 Verification Hired once
Loving childcare available - Langley
| I am a loving mother of four school aged children. I run a home family daycare and currently have part time spots available only at this time. I love spending my days with little ones now that mine are so big and gone to school all day. My patient, kind, nurturing disposition makes this a perfect fit for me. I have a very large fenced yard with several climbers, slides, riding toys and fun things to do. Inside we play games, do art projects, read books, and learn through play. :) Feel free to give me call, text or email and I'll be happy to answer any other questions. Feel free to email me at: jenniferlisahill at gmail . com I don't have a current care account so I can not message on their app. Have a great day, Jenny H.
... more
  • From $11 /hr
  • Langley
Loving childcare available - Langley
| I am a loving mother of four school aged children. I run a home family daycare and currently have part time spots available only at this time. I love spending my days with little ones now that mine are so big and gone to school all day. My patient, kind, nurturing disposition makes this a perfect fit for me. I have a very large fenced yard with several climbers, slides, riding toys and fun things to do. Inside we play games, do art projects, read books, and learn through play. :) Feel free to give me call, text or email and I'll be happy to answer any other questions. Feel free to email me at: jenniferlisahill at gmail . com I don't have a current care account so I can not message on their app. Have a great day, Jenny H.
... more
From $11 per hour \
Ifeoluwa A.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Langley
If you accept me as your caregiver will take care of your children like my own
| As a mother of 4year I don’t think will have any problems taking of children.children are like egg and be treated with respect at all time
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Langley
If you accept me as your caregiver will take care of your children like my own
| As a mother of 4year I don’t think will have any problems taking of children.children are like egg and be treated with respect at all time
... more
From $25 per hour \
Great beginnings daycare
  • From $14 /hr
  • Langley
Daily routine included art activities circle time music and movement outdoor play time and much more
| Great beginnings daycare is multiage home child care maximum 8 children and hours from 7:30-5pm
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Langley
Daily routine included art activities circle time music and movement outdoor play time and much more
| Great beginnings daycare is multiage home child care maximum 8 children and hours from 7:30-5pm
... more
From $14 per hour \
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Daycare in Langley

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