Daycare in Aldergrove

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Shelley C.
Hired once
  • From $15 /hr
  • Aldergrove
Hired once
My name is Shelley, I have 20 years experience working with all ages of children. Some of the areas I have worked in are children with special needs, developmental, behavioural, youth at risk, mental health, non verbal, autistic. I have worked under ABA. I have experience in PBS, CCI, Mandt certified. I am also an instructor in NVCI basic and specialized ASD. I have my level 3 in Sign Language. I have managed a residential care home and worked one on one with clients. I am a passionate, caring, hard working individual, who loves to bring out the best in people.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Aldergrove
My name is Shelley, I have 20 years experience working with all ages of children. Some of the areas I have worked in are children with special needs, developmental, behavioural, youth at risk, mental health, non verbal, autistic. I have worked under ABA. I have experience in PBS, CCI, Mandt certified. I am also an instructor in NVCI basic and specialized ASD. I have my level 3 in Sign Language. I have managed a residential care home and worked one on one with clients. I am a passionate, caring, hard working individual, who loves to bring out the best in people.
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From $15 per hour \
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Daycare in Aldergrove

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