Babysitters in Lyndhurst

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Kirshton S.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Lyndhurst
Very happy working with babies newborn - 6 years old.
| I babysat for my cousin from 5 months until she was about a year old. I was also looking after an 8 year old at the same time. I'm good with schedules and enjoy helping babies learn their numbers and letters. I get such a satisfaction out of seeing them smile while I care for them. I am located in lyndhurst Ontario, but I visit gananoque, brockville and Kingston very regularly.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Lyndhurst
Very happy working with babies newborn - 6 years old.
| I babysat for my cousin from 5 months until she was about a year old. I was also looking after an 8 year old at the same time. I'm good with schedules and enjoy helping babies learn their numbers and letters. I get such a satisfaction out of seeing them smile while I care for them. I am located in lyndhurst Ontario, but I visit gananoque, brockville and Kingston very regularly.
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From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Lyndhurst

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