Babysitters in Elizabethtown

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Erica T.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Elizabethtown
Registered Early Childhood Educator
| Hi! My name is Erica and I've been in childcare for 10+ years. I have 1-2years of nanny experience with three separate families. I supplied at a daycare in Kingston and gained experience in preschool and toddlers. I also worked in Kemptville for four years and ran a infant and toddler program. I am currently going back to school full time so would be very interesting in various babysitting opportunities.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Elizabethtown
Registered Early Childhood Educator
| Hi! My name is Erica and I've been in childcare for 10+ years. I have 1-2years of nanny experience with three separate families. I supplied at a daycare in Kingston and gained experience in preschool and toddlers. I also worked in Kemptville for four years and ran a infant and toddler program. I am currently going back to school full time so would be very interesting in various babysitting opportunities.
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From $20 per hour \
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Babysitters in Elizabethtown

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