Babysitters in Lyn

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Drew S.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Lyn
1 Verification
Full time nanny 1-3 children ages newborn-12
| Hello, I am Drew and I am 18 years old. I am looking for a full time nannying jod to assist me in making money to head off to university in the future. My goal is to go to school at Carleton University to become a kindergarten teacher. I have had my babysitting license since grade 6 and have recently received my standard fist aid qualification. I love working with children and hope to be considered:)
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Lyn
Full time nanny 1-3 children ages newborn-12
| Hello, I am Drew and I am 18 years old. I am looking for a full time nannying jod to assist me in making money to head off to university in the future. My goal is to go to school at Carleton University to become a kindergarten teacher. I have had my babysitting license since grade 6 and have recently received my standard fist aid qualification. I love working with children and hope to be considered:)
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Babysitters in Lyn

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