Babysitters in Athens

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Mike S.
1 Verification
  • From $12 /hr
  • Athens
1 Verification
Male who gets along great with children and has done a lot of babysitting for family and friends.
| I'm an older male who has done a lot of babysitting for family and friends. I've cared for babies, and helped teens deal with life's issues. I get along great with children because I'm one who enjoys "being a child" at the right times, while also being the adult. Because I get along well with children, I also do tutoring and can explain things on their level to make it easier to learn. I currently rent a room in Smiths Falls and have limited transportation. I could watch 1 or 2 children at my place for short periods of time, or watch as many as you want at your place in Smiths Falls, or could just take your children out for a little fun when you need a break.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Athens
Male who gets along great with children and has done a lot of babysitting for family and friends.
| I'm an older male who has done a lot of babysitting for family and friends. I've cared for babies, and helped teens deal with life's issues. I get along great with children because I'm one who enjoys "being a child" at the right times, while also being the adult. Because I get along well with children, I also do tutoring and can explain things on their level to make it easier to learn. I currently rent a room in Smiths Falls and have limited transportation. I could watch 1 or 2 children at my place for short periods of time, or watch as many as you want at your place in Smiths Falls, or could just take your children out for a little fun when you need a break.
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From $12 per hour \
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Babysitters in Athens

When do you need child care?