Child Care in Ashburn

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Emily A.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Ashburn
Emily: Nanny/Babysitter
| My experience working with children: Nanny for two children: 2023- Present I look after two young boys under the age of 7. Daily duties include packing lunches, making breakfast, homework help, getting ready for school. Helping Hands Daycare: 2023 I worked in the infant section of the daycare. Daily work duties included changing, feeding, nurturing and leading activities. Babysitter for 3 children: ####-#### Babysitter for 3 girls under the age of 6. Leading fun activities, movies nights, making dinner, putting them to bed, light house keeping, taking care of the pets. Youth Basketball Coach: ####-#### Organizing games and activities, connecting with children and parents, and leading drills and plays. My Personal Life: Pursuing a dual degree in Environmental Science and Sociology. Divison 1 Athlete in Track and Field at the University of Connecticut.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Ashburn
Emily: Nanny/Babysitter
| My experience working with children: Nanny for two children: 2023- Present I look after two young boys under the age of 7. Daily duties include packing lunches, making breakfast, homework help, getting ready for school. Helping Hands Daycare: 2023 I worked in the infant section of the daycare. Daily work duties included changing, feeding, nurturing and leading activities. Babysitter for 3 children: ####-#### Babysitter for 3 girls under the age of 6. Leading fun activities, movies nights, making dinner, putting them to bed, light house keeping, taking care of the pets. Youth Basketball Coach: ####-#### Organizing games and activities, connecting with children and parents, and leading drills and plays. My Personal Life: Pursuing a dual degree in Environmental Science and Sociology. Divison 1 Athlete in Track and Field at the University of Connecticut.
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From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Ashburn

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