Child Care in Greenbank

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Paige F.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Greenbank
Babysitter, before/after school care
| Hi there, My name is Paige, I am 27 years old and am seeking a child care job for evenings and/or weekends. As I have always been a babysitter for others within my community, now that I have gained experience working within child care centres and have a diploma in Child and Youth Care I look forward to using my skills and experiences. I believe I am a responsible, caring and outgoing individual who is capable of helping look after infants, toddlers as well as children when needed. Please do not hesitate to ask any further questions. As I do work during the days I would only be available in the evenings/weekends for care.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Greenbank
Babysitter, before/after school care
| Hi there, My name is Paige, I am 27 years old and am seeking a child care job for evenings and/or weekends. As I have always been a babysitter for others within my community, now that I have gained experience working within child care centres and have a diploma in Child and Youth Care I look forward to using my skills and experiences. I believe I am a responsible, caring and outgoing individual who is capable of helping look after infants, toddlers as well as children when needed. Please do not hesitate to ask any further questions. As I do work during the days I would only be available in the evenings/weekends for care.
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From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Greenbank

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