Child Care in Caesarea

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Emily S.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Caesarea
Passion for helping others in my community
| I am currently a Early Childhood Educator Assistant at the YMCA of Greater Toronto. I have been with the YMCA since the end of 2016 working in infant, toddler, preschool, kindergarten and school age. Along with school closures, unfortunately daycares are closed as well. Therefore, I cannot work as of March 13 to April 5 and I am looking for something to do during the 3 week period in which I cannot work. I have been a PSW since 2017 and I am currently a 2nd year nursing student with CPR certification in standard first aid, cpr level C and level HCP. I have all of my immunizations up to date and recent TB test as well as clear vulnerable sector check. I know it's a shock to find out the information regarding school closures and daycare closures so if you need help during the 3 weeks I am fully available as of monday march 16 ! Keep in mind I do live in caesarea so the farthest I am willing to drive is about half an hour (ie; bowmanville, port perry, oshawa). I am available after april 5th on weekends as well!
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Caesarea
Passion for helping others in my community
| I am currently a Early Childhood Educator Assistant at the YMCA of Greater Toronto. I have been with the YMCA since the end of 2016 working in infant, toddler, preschool, kindergarten and school age. Along with school closures, unfortunately daycares are closed as well. Therefore, I cannot work as of March 13 to April 5 and I am looking for something to do during the 3 week period in which I cannot work. I have been a PSW since 2017 and I am currently a 2nd year nursing student with CPR certification in standard first aid, cpr level C and level HCP. I have all of my immunizations up to date and recent TB test as well as clear vulnerable sector check. I know it's a shock to find out the information regarding school closures and daycare closures so if you need help during the 3 weeks I am fully available as of monday march 16 ! Keep in mind I do live in caesarea so the farthest I am willing to drive is about half an hour (ie; bowmanville, port perry, oshawa). I am available after april 5th on weekends as well!
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From $17 per hour \
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Child Care in Caesarea

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