Babysitters in Ashburn

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Lauren B.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Ashburn
1 Verification
Experience and Energetic Nanny
| Summer Childcare & Tutoring Offer! Hey parents! Looking for a dynamic childcare option this summer? I've got you covered! I'm Lauren, a 25-year-old educational assistant with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, I complete my education in the French immersion stream and am passionate about fostering learning and fun for kids. Based in Courtice and equipped with a reliable vehicle and driver's license, I'm ready to provide engaging childcare services and offer tutoring sessions tailored to your child's needs. Let's make this summer a time of growth and adventure for your little ones! Reach out to discuss your childcare and tutoring requirements today.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Ashburn
Experience and Energetic Nanny
| Summer Childcare & Tutoring Offer! Hey parents! Looking for a dynamic childcare option this summer? I've got you covered! I'm Lauren, a 25-year-old educational assistant with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, I complete my education in the French immersion stream and am passionate about fostering learning and fun for kids. Based in Courtice and equipped with a reliable vehicle and driver's license, I'm ready to provide engaging childcare services and offer tutoring sessions tailored to your child's needs. Let's make this summer a time of growth and adventure for your little ones! Reach out to discuss your childcare and tutoring requirements today.
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From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Ashburn

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