Full Time
$17 – 30/hr
Olympia, WA
We have two precious littles. One 2-year-old boy, one 9-month-old baby girl - looking for a passionate nanny
- #1 is prioritizing kindness and presence with the babies. Genuinely caring about their development and milestones, and helping them meet them.
- being able to self-manage but not afraid to ask for help when it's needed.
- adventurous and creative! bonus if you have lots of toddler activities up your sleeve.
- maintaining nap schedules for both
- playing, exploring, singing, dancing
- bottle prep, diaper changing
- baby laundry
- baby toys & garbage's, general tidying
- toddler meal prep
- baby led weaning
- a goal to get them outside every day, even if just for a few minutes.