Prosper: PE 102 Thursday Spring 25

Weekly on Thursdays from Thu, Jan 9 to Thu, May 1
Thu (1/9) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (1/16) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (1/23) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (1/30) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (2/13) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (1/9) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (1/16) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (1/23) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (1/30) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (2/13) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (2/20) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (2/27) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (3/6) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (3/13) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (3/27) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (4/3) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (4/10) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (4/17) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (4/24) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
Thu (5/1) 2:30–4pm CST (90 min) Drop in for $13.50
In business since '03
8–16 yrs old
Optional: adults can stay or take a breather
$199 Waitlist
Option to defer payment until February 1, March 1, and April 1

PE 102 is a 90-minute class that allows students to explore multiple sports in a fun, learning environment. This program is designed for students to be ACTIVE while learning about athletics and team sports.

Each class begins with a dynamic warm-up and stretch. Next, we rotate through agility stations and drills. Units of study include sport-specific drills and games, including rules of the game, strategy, and the fundamentals required to play. We also enjoy fun classic games like kickball, dodgeball, whiffleball, wallball and capture the flag.

We are unable to offer refunds once classes have started.

homeschool pe, prosper, play, sports, Prosper Homeschool PE, prosper thursday, and prosper spring 25
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