Student looking for casual babysitting work
I babysat my two younger siblings (one two years younger than me and one seven) from the age of fourteen, and occasionally their friends if they were visiting. I volunteered as a supervisor at cubs (Sea Scouts for juniors) when I was in high school, and currently volunteer at the SPCA where I help with Birthday parties and School Holiday Programme. I also have an up to date First aid course certificate which for my part-time dental assistant job. I am currently a University student, studying Biodiversity and Ecology. I am a non-drinker and non-smoker. I am only on my learners license but am happy to catch public transport or get a lift with one of my family members. I am located in Miramar. I have historically had guinea pigs and cats, and currently have three dogs -two small dogs and one greyhound, so I am comfortable around pets.