Tutors in Brent

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Patricia L.
1 Verification
  • From £9 /hr
  • Brent
1 Verification
Science and Mathematics tutor, for GCSE and A Level
| Hello, I am a tutor for students studying Mathematics and science subjects, especially Biology. I am patient and adaptable with students depending on their learning abilities. My experience includes tutoring students of primary and secondary school levels (including GCSE and A-Levels); as well as mentoring students as part of a high school mentoring scheme, this included helping with homework and reading; organising debating and public speaking programmes for secondary students. I know syllabus content and curriculums. I'm currently studying Biology at an undergraduate level, at the University of East Anglia and will be available during the summer. Flexible on timing.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Brent
Science and Mathematics tutor, for GCSE and A Level
| Hello, I am a tutor for students studying Mathematics and science subjects, especially Biology. I am patient and adaptable with students depending on their learning abilities. My experience includes tutoring students of primary and secondary school levels (including GCSE and A-Levels); as well as mentoring students as part of a high school mentoring scheme, this included helping with homework and reading; organising debating and public speaking programmes for secondary students. I know syllabus content and curriculums. I'm currently studying Biology at an undergraduate level, at the University of East Anglia and will be available during the summer. Flexible on timing.
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From £9 per hour \
Abdus B.
  • From £25 /hr
  • Brent
With my teaching all you have to do is listen and you will get where you need to be.
| I can teach you in a lot of detail and give you simple and personalised feedback and time dedication your teachers may not be able to give you. I will not stop until you understand the topic before we move on and help you constantly through the course of your journey of study. I have been in your situations in GCSE very recently and have received 9 in Maths and A* in sciences. I have worked in many tutor companies and tutored at my own school aswell for over a year. I have been to Cambridge lectures aswell in your subject areas so I am well knowledges in them and am thus able to teach you to a high degree which is also understandable.
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  • From £25 /hr
  • Brent
With my teaching all you have to do is listen and you will get where you need to be.
| I can teach you in a lot of detail and give you simple and personalised feedback and time dedication your teachers may not be able to give you. I will not stop until you understand the topic before we move on and help you constantly through the course of your journey of study. I have been in your situations in GCSE very recently and have received 9 in Maths and A* in sciences. I have worked in many tutor companies and tutored at my own school aswell for over a year. I have been to Cambridge lectures aswell in your subject areas so I am well knowledges in them and am thus able to teach you to a high degree which is also understandable.
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From £25 per hour \
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Tutors in Brent

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