Maths Tutors in Sutton

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Kailavya K.
  • From £30 /hr
  • Sutton
I am a patient teacher who carefully analyses how my students learn to achieve the best results
| I have achieved 3 A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics and am now studying medicine at Imperial College London. I am an eager to learn and highly motivated student who has recently graduated from an outstanding grammar school. My strong academic foundation along with my communication skills will allow me to achieve the best results with the students I teach. I teach at levels of KS3, GCSE and A levels for Biology, Chemistry and Maths online. My prior experience has been teaching Maths for KS3 students at my school via the mentoring programme.
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  • From £30 /hr
  • Sutton
I am a patient teacher who carefully analyses how my students learn to achieve the best results
| I have achieved 3 A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics and am now studying medicine at Imperial College London. I am an eager to learn and highly motivated student who has recently graduated from an outstanding grammar school. My strong academic foundation along with my communication skills will allow me to achieve the best results with the students I teach. I teach at levels of KS3, GCSE and A levels for Biology, Chemistry and Maths online. My prior experience has been teaching Maths for KS3 students at my school via the mentoring programme.
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From £30 per hour \
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Maths Tutors in Sutton

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