Tutors in Strathkelvin

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Aureline L.
  • From £15 /hr
  • Strathkelvin
French reliable tutor
| Hi ! My name is Aureline, I'm a french tutor since 5 years. French is my first language so I'll be able to help your kid with any struggle he/she can have in French class. I think that learning a new language is about confidence so I'm mostly working on that with my student, there is no such things as "bad" mistake when you learn a language because each mistake allow you to become better ! I work with different support (music, series, books, comics...), your choice !
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  • From £15 /hr
  • Strathkelvin
French reliable tutor
| Hi ! My name is Aureline, I'm a french tutor since 5 years. French is my first language so I'll be able to help your kid with any struggle he/she can have in French class. I think that learning a new language is about confidence so I'm mostly working on that with my student, there is no such things as "bad" mistake when you learn a language because each mistake allow you to become better ! I work with different support (music, series, books, comics...), your choice !
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From £15 per hour \
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Tutors in Strathkelvin

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