Tutors in Southside/Newington

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Kirsty C.
1 Verification
  • From £25 /hr
  • Southside/Newington
1 Verification
Experienced, friendly and reliable female tutor.
| My name is Kirsty and I currently run a tuition business in Edinburgh. I have been tutoring for the last 4 years and have experience working with children in both Primary and Secondary schools.
... more
  • From £25 /hr
  • Southside/Newington
Experienced, friendly and reliable female tutor.
| My name is Kirsty and I currently run a tuition business in Edinburgh. I have been tutoring for the last 4 years and have experience working with children in both Primary and Secondary schools.
... more
From £25 per hour \
Andrw G.
Hired once
  • From £11 /hr
  • Southside/Newington
Hired once
Certified Teacher
| I am currently a masters student at the University of Edinburgh. For the past two years I taught at the International School of Egypt in Cairo, Egypt before leaving to purse my masters degree. I have also taught private lessons for the past 3 years and I have lectured at the university level. I am TEFL certified with over 128 hours of training and, additionally, I have gone through dozens of hours of professional development training in educational methods while teaching in Egypt. I am also able to teach Arabic up to the upper intermediate level and I spent a year in 2018 tutoring elementary math and science, in addition to English. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!
... more
  • From £11 /hr
  • Southside/Newington
Certified Teacher
| I am currently a masters student at the University of Edinburgh. For the past two years I taught at the International School of Egypt in Cairo, Egypt before leaving to purse my masters degree. I have also taught private lessons for the past 3 years and I have lectured at the university level. I am TEFL certified with over 128 hours of training and, additionally, I have gone through dozens of hours of professional development training in educational methods while teaching in Egypt. I am also able to teach Arabic up to the upper intermediate level and I spent a year in 2018 tutoring elementary math and science, in addition to English. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!
... more
From £11 per hour \
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Tutors in Southside/Newington

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